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CePiC parks/mentors &EXPERTS


Common earth Park international Community

​Global Park International Community

Industry-government-academia-private partnership placemaking for the future that nurtures SDGs global leaders!

-Creating a "park" that anyone can participate in by connecting industry, government, academia and the private sector-


CePiC (General Incorporated Association Common earth Park International Community Sepic), which assists the operation of the SDGs Innovation HUB project of a region / organization with SDGs Innovation HUB together with collaborative organizations,

It is a non-profit general incorporated association that collaborates with industry, government, academia, and the private sector to create a place.


Members hosted a panel forum entitled "Japan's Strength against Disasters-Approaching the World and its Secrets and Challenges-" at the 3rd United Nations Disaster Risk Reduction Conference in 2015, and G7 Tomiyama → Ise Shima in 2016. From the Summit ( Official Magazine ), 2019 G20 Fukuoka → Osaka Summit ( Official Magazine ), all virtual / real parks (parks) for leaders around the world, the strong and supple life and life of those who visited We have declared that we will make it a place for living and its sustainable development, national / national wealth / national treasury / national resilience, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Since the establishment of CePiC, SDGs Innovation HUB projects have been created from industry-government-academia-private place-making activities with CePiC mentors , proposed to collaborating organizations, and started with sympathy and resonance.


CePiC's " CePiC mentors who are active in various fields both inside and outside Japan", SDGs Innovation HUB, SIH "EXPERTS" (industry-government-academia-private financial experts, SDGs Innovation mentors)

At the world's most advanced "EVENTS"

We propose projects that bring sustainable prosperity to individuals, organizations, regions and the world.


With participants and collaborative organizations

Bringing the SDGs Innovation HUB, an industry-government-academia-private financial ecosystem HUB, that permanently supports the autonomous innovation of us and the region toward the achievement of the SDGs, to your hometown, nationwide, and the world.

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With " EXPERTS " (industry-government-academia-private financial experts, SDGs Innovation mentors),
at " EVENTS " (server & real co-creation place such as international hackathon and HUB)
(^ _-)-★ Find friends who can share your dreams and visions locally, nationwide, and around the world, ☆ 彡
(^ _-)-★ Become an emergent member of the future and discover your own strengths and potential, ☆ 彡

(^ _-)-★ Let's co-create a new financial / market ecosystem and HUB with industry, government, academia and the private sector. ☆ 彡


Connect with SDGs. Create business x finance with hackathons/BCs
-Innovate with local and world friends and become a HUB of SDGs-


Individuals and organizations participating in EVENTS, including the "International (Pre) Hackathon/BC" ...

EXPERTS for support for the "International (Pre) Hackathon" and other EVENTs.

For a list of CePiC / SIH mentors (judgments such as international (pre) hackathons) ...


❥1: SDGs Global Leader “Society” Project
Fostering human resources (talents) by creating a "society" human community

EXPARTS'list 1





❥2: Innovation startup "economy" project
"Economy" Economic activity through the creation of goods, things, money, and new public goods

EXPARTS'list 2





❥3: Industry-government-academia-private (Friday) co-creation HUB "Environment (biosphere)" project

Creating an area (society, town, village) by creating an "environment (biosphere)" ecosystem / place

EXPARTS'list 3






SIH LdxP.png


Mentoring of the world's most advanced CePiC mentor, SDGs Innovation HUB "EXPERTS", a collaborative organization,

At "EVENTS", where we want to make an honorable contribution to the international community through "connecting Japanese power" such as international (pre) hackathons.

We propose projects that bring sustainable prosperity to individuals, organizations, regions and the world.

We will co-create with you.

The world's most advanced EXPERTS for SDGs Innovation HUB projects

In the SDGs Innovation HUB registration at the time of registration for participation in the international (pre) hackathon and other EVENTs , and in the subsequent worksheets and questionnaire responses, the [Phase] of " 1: ", " 2: Entrepreneurship.stu ", and " 3: Management " According to 1 2 3 ], discovering the possibility of own strengths, best themes and teams, regional cooperation, supply chain cooperation, wide area cooperation / deployment,

Innovation of SDGs business x finance under the three tips of " 1: society " " 2: economy " " 3: environment (biosphere) " of "SDGs wedding cake" in real & cyber EVENT such as international (pre) hackathon [Co-creation theme 1 2 3 ] and (^ _-)-★ Discovering friends and teams who can share dreams and visions, which will be the key points (Pain Point)

We are Family Doctors (family doctors) and Guardian Angels (guardian saints) who are the future emergents of men and women of all ages who can take advantage of their busy time and provide permanent support while joining the FB group together.

Industry-government-academia-private financial experts, SDGs Innovation HUB, SIH mentors ( CePiC mentors ).



Specifically, after registering with the SDGs Innovation HUB


(^ _-)-★ Select a team with [Co-creation theme 1 2 3 ], and if there is nothing that suits you, create a + α "co-creation theme" yourself and use the necessary information for the EXPERT Contact us on this site. By sending and posting the registration, we will recruit friends from all over the world to the team and realize SDGs business x finance.


(^ _-)-★ According to [Phase 1 2 3 ], discover your strengths, best themes and teams, regional cooperation, supply chain cooperation, wide area cooperation / deployment possibilities, etc. together with FB group etc. EXPERTS & projects' list 1-3 of EXPERT on this site, for us SDGs Innovation HUB mentors ( CePiC mentors ) who can make permanent support by utilizing their busy time while entering. Choose from, write up to your third choice in Contact us , send the necessary information ... and bring your dreams closer to realization.






Team CePiC

Next Ten Millennia projects (次の1万年プロジェクト) 】

Next Ten Millennia projects 




デジ田 ローカルハブを目指すビジネスxファイナンスを共創するチームを、

LdxP★★★でもあるCePiC SIHメンターの方々



日本発ポスト・コロナ=ルネサンス(DX等)民主・資本主義の次世代の新しい資本(nK) Inpact Fundを

新しい経(世)(民)の生産関数 nY(生産)=DX f (nL(労働), nK(資本), nG(非財))

DX: Digital Transformation (AI, Metaverse, web3.0, etc.) に代表される技術革新

(DXで nL・nK価値 (NFTで資産化) を最大化しL・K・nGの生産性を向上)

nL: non/neo-Labour (生産)労働以外の人間の価値(L: (生産)労働→労働生産性で効率化)

nK: non/neo-Kapital (生産)資本以外の自然・文化・産業遺産(K: (生産)資本→資本生産性で効率化)

nG: non-Goods 非財(C: 炭素や公害・労災など(生産)不経済→炭素(非財)生産性で効率化)nn

Ⅰ こどものまち・世界地域xこども合衆国サミット project



【新しい経済の生産関数】 nL: (生産)労働以外の人間の価値最大化(L: (生産)労働→労働生産性で効率化)
Living column 1 : Society「社会」in【一の柱】 CommonTime【時】一万年続く社会を !


2023年10月8日       第1回 地域xこども合衆国サミット と こどものまち「ミニ羽田」

2024年11月(予定)       第2回 地域xこども合衆国サミット と こどものまち「ミニたまゆり」

2025年8-10月(予定) 第3回 地域xこども合衆国サミット と こどものまち「ミニ夢の島」

❥1: SDGs Global Leader “Society” Project
Fostering human resources (talents) by creating a "society" human community

[Co-creation theme 1: " Society "]
SDGs Social (Culture) Problem Solving / Goal Achievement Action

Co-creation theme

[ Phase 1: " Education " SDGs Innovation]
Youth + Adult Sustainable Human Resources (Talent) Development / Co-education



Ⅱ 次世代こどもインパクトファンド project


【新しい経済の生産関数】次世代Entrepreneuerが企業・地域・国で nY(生産)を最大化 ➡新国富論(新国家構想)
 Living column 2 : Economy「経済」 in【二の柱】 CommonSpace【空】 万所の経(世)済(民)向上を !

2024年1-3月(予定)     CePiCとみらいリレーションズ等とチーム連携しインパクトファンド組成


❥2: Innovation startup "economy" project
"Economy" Economic activity through the creation of goods, things, money, and new public goods

[Co-creation theme 2: " Economy "]
SDGs Economic (Science) Problem Solving / Goal Achievement Action

Co-creation theme

[Phase 2: “ Starting a business ” SDGs Innovation HUB.stu]
Political / economic policy proposal + social business / economic activity demonstration



Ⅲ 次世代の活躍する地球 Team CePiC project



【新しい経済の生産関数】 nK (生産)資本以外の自然・文化・産業遺産価値最大化(K: (生産)資本→資本生産性で効率化)

 Living column 3 : Biosphere「環境(生物圏)」on 【三の柱】 CommonEarth【〇】万星:地球価値最大化を !

2024年1-5月(予定)     CePiCとSIH、デジ田応援団がTeam CePiとして「プロジェクト2024」共創


❥3: Industry-government-academia-private (Friday) co-creation HUB "Environment (biosphere) " project
Creating an area (society, town, village) by creating an "environment (biosphere)" ecosystem / place

[Co-creation theme 3: " Environment (biosphere) "]
SDGs Environment (Earth) Problem Solving / Goal Achievement Action

Co-creation theme

[Phase 3: " Management " SDGs Innovation HUB]
Regional Revitalization / Social Promotion Project + Industry-Government-Academia-Private (Friday) Collaboration Demonstration




CePiC and other collaborative organizations SDGs Innovation HUB "EXPERTS" mentoring, and "EVENTS" that wants to make an honorable contribution to the international community with "connecting Japanese power" such as international (pre) hackathon, to everyone, individuals, organizations, regions and the world We will propose projects that bring about sustainable prosperity and co-create with you.


Future-oriented advice for emergence of the future will help manage the SDGs Innovation HUB project.

Please leave it to CePiC and other collaborative organizations. Please feel free to contact us.

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