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[May 13, 2021] Government Climate Change Policy and Our “Decarbonization” Public Creator Declaration

Thu, 13 May



Mr. Hideki Takada, Chief Counselor of the Cabinet Secretariat's Climate Change Policy Promotion Office and Secretary General of Green Finance Network Japan, gave an urgent lecture in the first half on climate change measures, which are attracting attention at climate summits and other events. We will hear about the latest situation, the policies of governments, local governments and industry, and the dissemination of Art & Science about the "decarbonization" strategy for industry, government, academia, and citizens in Japan and around the world. In the second half, together with panelists who have been responsible for the public sector from the government, industry, science, and art, participants will make a "decarbonization" public creator declaration, such as what they would like to contribute if they were civil servants, company employees, scientists, or artists. co-created and adopted. We will deepen the value and evaluation axis for each event and bring it to fruition in international forums.

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[May 13, 2021] Government Climate Change Policy and Our “Decarbonization” Public Creator Declaration
[May 13, 2021] Government Climate Change Policy and Our “Decarbonization” Public Creator Declaration


13 May 2021, 20:00 – 21:00

Minato-ku, Japan, 15th Floor, Toranomon Hills Business Tower, 1-17-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001


[May 13, 2021] Government Climate Change Policy and Our “Decarbonization” Public Creator Declaration

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[Co-created and adopted declarations] 

Government Climate Change Policy and Our “Decarbonized” Public Creation (House) Declaration

~Decarbonization (SDG13) 2021.5.13~

■ Date & Time / Date & Time

Thursday, May 13, 2021, 20:00-21:00

CIC Tokyo at Toranomon Hills Business Tower 15F, Minato-ku, Tokyo

■ Participation application / Participation & Application

Both real participation and web participation above,CIC VCT event sitePlease apply from (below). 

■ Thursday e Lecture Title / Title

Government Climate Action and Our “Decarbonized” Public Creator Manifesto

/ Climate Change countermeasures of Governments and Declaration of my Public Creation for our “Decarbonization”

■ Host / Organizer

Organizer: Next Ten Millennia Club (

Co-organizer: Sepik / Common earth Park international Community, CePiC (

Next Ten Millennia projects (

■ Contents/Description 

Mr. Hideki Takada, Chief Counselor of the Cabinet Secretariat's Climate Change Policy Promotion Office and Secretary General of Green Finance Network Japan, gave an urgent lecture in the first half on climate change measures, which are attracting attention at climate summits and other events.

(Reference Japan Times article: Regarding the “decarbonization” strategy for industry, government, academia, and citizens of Japan and the world, we will talk about the latest situation, policies of governments, local governments and industries, and the dissemination of Art & Science. In the second half, we will talk about what we can do now, together with panelists who have been responsible for the public sector from government, industry, science, and art. If the participants were civil servants, office workers, scientists, or artists, they would ask us through chats and questionnaires what they would like to contribute. Co-created and adopted the Creator Declaration. The next 10,000 years club will archive it and update it at the next event. It will bear fruit in the annual 10,000 Years Award and international forums.

/ In the first half of the session, Mr. Hideki Takada, Chief Counselor, Climate Change Policy Office, Cabinet Secretariat and Executive Director, Green Finance Network Japan, gave an urgent lecture on climate change measures, which have been the focus of attention at (Reference Japan Times article: will talk about the latest situation of "decarbonization" strategies for industry, government, academia and the private sector in the world and Japan, the policies of the government, local governments and industry, and the transmission of Art & Science.

In the second half of the session, we will discuss what we can do now with panelists who have been involved in public affairs in government, industry, science, and art. an artist, please let us know what you would like to contribute by chatting or filling out a questionnaire during or after this session.

The first step is to co-create and adopt a public creator's declaration on our "Decarbonization" that will last for the next 10,000 years of public service for the earth, the world, and all humankind. The Next Ten Millennia Club (NTSC) will archive it and update it at the next event. The NTMC will archive it and update it at the next event, etc. It will be brought to fruition in the annual Next Ten Millennia Award and International Forum.

■ Lecturer / Guest Speaker

Hideki Takada (Cabinet Secretariat Climate Change Countermeasures Office Counselor / Green Finance Network Japan Secretary General)

/ Hideki Takada ( Principal Counsellor, Climate Change Office, Cabinet Secretariat and Director General, Green Finance Network Japan )

Hideki Takada

Cabinet Secretariat, Climate Change Countermeasures Office, General Counselor/Secretary-General of Green Finance Network Japan

In 1995, he joined the Ministry of Finance (now the Ministry of Finance). He has held positions in the Budget Bureau, the Tax Bureau, and the Minister's Secretariat. 1997-99, studied abroad in England. From 2003 to 2006, he was seconded to the UK Ministry of Finance and was involved in the UK's financial administration and budget formulation. In 2009, he was selected as the first staff member of the Cabinet Secretariat's National Strategy Office. From 2015 to 2018, he was seconded to the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) in Paris, where he was in charge of green finance (environmental finance). After returning to Japan, he established Green Finance Network Japan, and continues to personally engage in activities related to green finance in addition to his main business. Most recently, he served as Director of the Salary and Mutual Aid Division of the Budget Bureau of the Ministry of Finance, and has also worked on promoting ESG investment in the reserve fund management of the Federation of National Public Service Personnel Mutual Aid Associations.

MBA from Cambridge University and MBA from London University.

/ Hideki Takada

Principal Counselor, Climate Change Office, Cabinet Secretariat / Director General, Green Finance Network Japan

Mr. Takada joined the Ministry of Finance in 1995. From 1997 to 1999, he studied in the UK From 2003 to 2006, he was seconded to the UK Treasury, where he was involved in the UK's financial regulation and budgeting. was selected as the first staff member of the Cabinet Secretariat's National Policy Unit. From 2015 to 2018, he was seconded to the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) in Paris, where he was in charge of green finance. After returning to Japan , he launched Green Finance Network Japan and continues to work on green finance on a personal basis in addition to his official work. Most recently, he served as Director of the National Public Employees' Remuneration and Mutual Aid Division of the Budget Bureau of the Ministry of Finance, where he promoted ESG investment in the management of the National Federation of Public Employees Mutual Aid Associations' reserve funds.

He holds a Master of Laws from the University of Cambridge and a Master of Business Administration from the University of London.

■ Moderator and ♠Government/non-Economic Profit Panelists

Shigeki Mitomo (Chief Researcher, Center for Dreaming Up the Future, Nomura Research Institute (public-private exchange from the Ministry of Finance))

/ Shigeki MITOMO (Chief Researcher, Center for Strategic Management & Innovation, Nomura Research Institute (Public-Private Exchange from Ministry of Finance))

Shigeki Mitomo

Chief Researcher, Future Creation Center, Nomura Research Institute (public-private exchange from the Ministry of Finance).

Born in Nagoya, Owari. Father of three daughters and two sons. Cornell University MBA/Bachelor of Economics. After working at the Ministry of Finance/Finance in the Budget, Tax, Finance and International Affairs Bureau, the Embassy in Rome, Italy, and the secretary of the Prime Minister's Office, he was seconded to Chatham House in the UK, the Ministry of the Environment at G7, and the Financial Services Agency at G20. Co-creation of "Common earth Park" and "SDGs Innovation" with JC, Chamber of Commerce, etc. As a chief researcher at the NRI Future Creation Center, he led the Japan-China joint research and the new coronavirus trinity shock recovery strategy study group ( As an expert member of the Resilience Japan Promotion Council, collaborate to realize the proposal. Asia Pacific Center for Japan-Engineering International Exchange (, Global Park International Community (CePiC), Mother Earth with Geo Voice (MEGV), SDGs Innovation HUB (SIH), Next 10,000 Years Club (NTMC), etc. Invented and founded, and continues to the present as a public creator (apprentice). His main publications are "From Chatham House to the World" (Kinzai) and "The Essence of SDGs: Pursuit of Sustainability by Entrepreneurs and Finance" (Chuokeizai-sha).

/ Shigeki MITOMO (Chief Researcher, Center for Strategic Management & Innovation, Nomura Research Institute (Public-Private Exchange from Ministry of Finance))

Born in Nagoya, Owari. Father of three daughters and two sons. Bachelor's degree in Economics from University of Tokyo and MBA 1999 from Cornell University. After working for the Ministry of Finance, he was transferred to Chatham House in the UK, the Ministry of the Environment during the G7, and the Financial Services Agency during the G20. As a chief researcher at the NRI Center for Strategic Management & Innovation, he led the Japan-China joint research and the study group on the trinity shock revival strategy for the new coronavirus ( ). He is also an expert member of the Resilient Japan Promotion Council, working to realize its recommendations. He has created and founded the Center for International Exchange of Japanese and British Knowledge in the Asia Pacific (, the International Community for Everyone's Earth Park (CePiC), Mother Earth with Geo Voice (MEGV), the SDGs Innovation HUB (SIH), and the Next Ten Thousand Years Club (NT MC). He is the founder of MEGV (Mother Earth with Geo Voice), SIH (SDGs Innovation HUB), and NTMC (Next Ten Thousand Years Club). He is the author of "From Chatham House to the World" (Kinzai) and "The Essence of SDGs: Pursuit of Sustainability by Entrepreneurs and Finance" (Chuokeizai-sha).

■ ♦ Industry/Economy Panelists

Keiichi Unno (Representative Director of Swingby.Former Representative Director of Accenture.)

/ Keiichi Unno (Representative Director of Swing Buy. Former Representative Director of Accenture.)

Keiichi Unno

Representative Director of Swingby. Former CEO of Accenture.

Junior Chamber International, JCI Senator. SDGs Innovation HUB, SIH Special Advisor.

1971 Graduated from the Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo. Joined Arthur Andersen (now Accenture) in 1972.

In the 32 years since then, he has provided consulting services to both Japanese and foreign companies on methods of organizational transformation through support for numerous business innovations and overseas expansion. 1987 International Junior Chamber Financial Advisor. After serving as CEO of Accenture in 2001, established Swingby 2020 Co., Ltd. (currently Swingby Co., Ltd.) in 2004 and assumed the position of CEO. 2004 Director of Tianjin Sino-Japanese Graduate School. Received the 2007 Dalian Xinghai Friendship Award. 2012 President of Unno Juku. As part of the global strategy support of Japanese companies, we are conducting a global negotiator training program mainly for managers to interact with foreigners. In addition, he is involved in business support for Japanese companies to expand overseas.

Specialized field: Global negotiator development training, overseas business development support. He is the author of many books, including "Future Chinese Business" (Nichichu Publishing Co., Ltd.) and "Can Japan Become a Leader in Asia in 2020" (First Press Co., Ltd.).

/ Keiichi Unno

Representative Director of Swing Buying. Former Representative Director of Accenture.

Special Advisor to SDGs Innovation HUB, SIH.

Graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1971 with a degree in Economics, and joined Arthur Andersen (now Accenture) in 1972.

Since then, for 32 years, he has provided support for numerous business innovations and consulting services to both Japanese and foreign companies on methods of organizational transformation through overseas expansion. He was a Treasurer to the Junior Chamber International 1987, a representative director of Accenture in 2001, and the founder and president of Swing by 2020 Inc. in 2004. He was a member of the board of directors of Tianjin Japan-China Graduate School in 2004, and received the Dalian Xinghai Friendship Award in 2007. As part of his support for the global strategies of Japanese companies, he conducts global negotiator training programs, mainly for executives, to help them deal with foreigners.

Specialties: Global negotiator training and overseas business development support. He is the author of many books, including "Future Business with China" (Japan-China Publishing Co., Ltd.) and "Can Japan Become a Leader in Asia in 2020" ( First Press Co., Ltd.).

■ ♣(Natural and Social) Science Panelists

Naohiro Takanashi (Representative of the Astronomy Popularization Project "Tenpla". Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Executive Management Program, The University of Tokyo.)

/ Naohiro Takanashi (President of the astronomy promotion project "TEMPLA". Project Associate Professor, Executive Management Program, The University of Tokyo)

Naohiro Takanashi

Representative of the astronomy popularization project "Tempura". Project Associate Professor, Executive Management Program, The University of Tokyo.

Born in Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture. Completed the doctoral course at the University of Tokyo, Ph.D. (Science). He conducts practical research activities from the perspective of how to design the relationship between astronomy and society. Planning manager of the Roppongi Tenmon Club. Major publications include "One for each family: Space map" (co-author).

/ Naohiro Takanashi

President of the astronomy promotion project "TEMPLA". Project Associate Professor, Executive Management Program, University of Tokyo

Born in Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture. D. in science from the University of Tokyo, and worked as a public relations and researcher at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). He is engaged in practical research activities from the perspective of how to design the relationship between astronomy and society. He is in charge of planning the Roppongi Astronomy Club. His major publications include "One Sheet per Family: A Space Map" (co-authored).

■ ♥Art/Non-Science Panelists / ♥Art/Non-Science Panelists

Keijiro Niino (Public Creator)

/ Keijiro Niino (Public Creator)

Keijiro Niino

public creator. Born in Aichi Prefecture in 1975. Representative Director of Next 10,000 Year Club, Representative Director of N STUDIO Co., Ltd., Representative Director of Nihonbashi Historical Archives. In 2003, Niino project&ideas, the predecessor of N STUDIO Co., Ltd., was established in Odenmacho, Nihonbashi, Tokyo. In 2004, he started working in contemporary art, and became a public creator who updated the "social sculpture" advocated by the artist Joseph Beuys for the 21st century. In 2016, he established Nihonbashi Archives (one company) to accumulate memories of Edo Tokyo centered on Nihonbashi and became the representative director. In 2019, "Nihonbashi Historical Archives" (Supervised by Makoto Takeuchi, Honorary Director of Edo-Tokyo Museum) opened as a permanent installation in the Chuo Ward Tokiwa Elementary School Annex Gallery. In 2021, co-founded the next 10,000 years club, a platform for public creation through public-private partnership.

/ Keijiro Niino

Public Creator. Born in Aichi Prefecture in 1975. In 2003, he founded Niino project&ideas, the predecessor of N STUDIO, in Nihonbashi-Ohdenmacho, Tokyo. In 2016, he founded and became the president of Nihombashi Archives, a company that accumulates memories of Edo-Tokyo centered on Nihombashi. In 2019, he will open the Nihonbashi History Archives (supervised by Makoto Takeuchi, Honorary Director of the Edo-Tokyo Museum) in the Tokiwa Elementary School Annex Gallery in Chuo City. In 2021, he co-founded the Next 10,000 Years Club, a platform for public-private collaboration for public creation.

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    Both real and web participation at Toranomon CIC VCT, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Please apply from the CIC VCT event site below.

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