❥2:Innovation startup
"Economy/Organization" project
"Economy" Economic revitalization by creating goods, things, money, and new public goods
EXPARTS' list 2
[Co-creation theme 2: "Economy/Organizarion]]
SDGs economic (scientific) problem solving/goal achievement action
CePiC/SIH Mentor(International (pre-)hackathon judges)
“Japan ↔ World” In/Outbound Support Programs

Emi Takemura
President of FutureEdu, Co-Founder and Advisor of Peatix.com. Member of the Information and Communications Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
Graduated from Keio University Faculty of Economics. He has an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. After gaining experience in management consulting in the IT and telecom industries at Monitor Company and McKinsey & Company, he entered the Internet industry in 1999. Director of Excite Japan. He has been in charge of book sales and marketing at Amazon.co.jp, and also participates in the company's Japanese management team. He joined Peatix Inc. after serving as Marketing Director for Online, Mobile and Cellular Phone Services for Walt Disney's Interactive Media Division. After serving as CMO as a co-founder, he is currently serving as an advisor.

Megumi Hagiuda
Representative Director of Africa Rose Co., Ltd.
Joined Eisai in 2005 after graduating from California State University. In 2011, I retired from the company and WHO project and went to Kenya as a volunteer. In 2012, after returning to Japan, he opened an online store "African Flower Shop" that directly imports and sells Kenyan roses.

Keiichi Unno
Representative Director of Swingby. Former CEO of Accenture.
Junior Chamber International, JCISenator. SDGs Innovation HUB, SIH Special Advisor.
1971 Graduated from the Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo. Joined Arthur Andersen (now Accenture) in 1972.
In the 32 years since then, he has provided consulting services to both Japanese and foreign companies on methods of organizational transformation through support for numerous business innovations and overseas expansion. After serving as CEO of Accenture, established Swingby 2020 Co., Ltd. (currently Swingby Co., Ltd.) in 2004 and assumed the position of Representative Director. As part of the global strategy support of Japanese companies, we are conducting a global negotiator training program mainly for managers to interact with foreigners. In addition, he is involved in business support for Japanese companies to expand overseas.
Specialized field: Global negotiator development training, overseas business development support
“Future Chinese Business” (Nichichu Publishing Co., Ltd.)
“Can Japan Become a Leader in Asia in 2020?” (First Press Co., Ltd.).

Yukiko Kamijo
Nagasaki University Research and Development Promotion Organization Professor. Patent attorney at Taiyo International Patent Office. He is a member of the Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters at the Prime Minister's official residence, a member of the Special Investigation Committee for Strengthening Competitiveness and International Standardization through Intellectual Property, and a member of the International Standardization Strategy Task Force. Member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Information and Communications Council, etc.
Completed the first term doctoral course at Keio University Graduate School of Science and Technology, worked as a science lecturer at Keio University Middle School, and registered as a patent attorney in 2000. Joined Taiyo International Patent Office in the same year. After working as a specially appointed researcher at the University of Tokyo's Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, and as a full-time lecturer at Keio University's Digital Media and Content Research Institute, he became an associate professor at Kanazawa Institute of Technology Graduate School in April 2009. Chairman of the Intellectual Property Management Consulting Committee of the Japan Patent Attorneys Association, member of the Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters' Competitiveness Enhancement and International Standardization Expert Investigation Committee and member of the International Standardization Strategy Task Force, Specialist in Information and Communications Council of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Served as a committee member of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Industrial Standards Committee Top Standard System Subcommittee. Secretary of the Intellectual Property Society of Japan Design and Brand Subcommittee.

Rio Yuzuki
Representative Director of Little Japan Co., Ltd. Representative director of the NPO artist village. Lecturer at Chuo University.
Kyoto University (Bachelor), Kyoto University Graduate School (Master). Lived in Brazil for 3 years, France for 1 year, and visited more than 40 countries abroad. In 2008, he joined the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries after visiting many countries and wanting to work for Japan. Involved in international negotiations, accounting, finance, agricultural land, public-private funds, biomass, etc. On the other hand, the importance of grassroots activities was recognized after the Great East Japan Earthquake. In 2012, he established the NPO artist village. Work on solving the problem of empty houses and supporting various NPOs.

Junichi Hasegawa
Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Innovation Management, Hosei University
Basis Technology Co., Ltd. Representative Director
Graduated from the Department of Control Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology. After joining Nichimen (currently Sojitz) in 1983, he contributed to the establishment of the Japanese subsidiary of Symbolics, a US company known for its artificial intelligence and computer graphics. After being seconded to the Telecommunications Technology Research Institute International (ATR) in 1987-9, he completed a master's degree in management science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After working at Nichimen Data System (currently Techmatrix), in 1996, became a founding member of PeopleSoft Japan Corporation, an ERP (integrated business package) vendor. In February 2000, he became the president of Amazon Japan and launched the service in a short period of time. Retired from the company in April 2001. In April 2002, he returned to Japan People Soft. Since 2005, when the company was acquired by Oracle, he has been an executive officer of Oracle Japan. In November 2017, he co-founded the Kea Institute, which promotes financial inclusion in developing countries, and became its president. Since December 2018, he has been the representative of the Japanese subsidiary of Basis Technology, a leading company in natural language processing. In charge of platform strategy at Hosei Business School.

Takashi Tsutsumi
CEO of Learning Entrepreneur's Lab Co., Ltd. / Venture Capitalist
Operates a seed accelerator that utilizes the commercialization process to invest in startups. His strength is management support that blends his experience in launching new businesses and venture investment for more than 20 years at general trading companies, Silicon Valley and domestic VCs, and his knowledge of commercialization methods such as the "customer development model". Graduated from Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Engineering, McGill University MBA, Waseda University Visiting Professor. His translations include "Entrepreneur Textbook".

Yuki Ikemori
entrepreneur. Visiting professor at Information Management Innovation College. President of tsam Inc.
Born in Chiba Prefecture in 1980. After dropping out of Tokyo University of Science, he started his own business. Established IT companies in 2005 and 2011, respectively, and succeeded in selling both companies. Launched tsam Co., Ltd. in 2019 and started supporting startups.
He is always an advisor to multiple companies and a mentor in multiple acceleration programs. In addition, he teaches as a visiting professor at the Information Management Innovation College. Others, such as management of the entrepreneur community.

Tadahiko Yoshioka
Director of Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. and Sekisui p2 Nanotech Co., Ltd. General Manager of Corporate New Business Development. Former General Manager of the Development Planning Department and the Development Management Department of the Development Laboratory of the High Performance Plastics Company.
Graduated from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University. After joining Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd., he was in charge of functional film development and technical services in Japan and overseas (5 years in the United States). After serving as head of the marketing group for automotive-related materials and head of the planning office for automotive-related materials, he has served as director and CEO of a resin molding joint venture in India since 2012. Incumbent since 2016.

Yasushi Azegami
C to D Co., Ltd. – CEO. SIH Gold Sponsor.
After working as a director at Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting, NRI Nomura Research Institute, and Accel (currently ICMG), he became Vice President of Fleischmann-Hillard Japan, a top international PR agency. After establishing S. Design, he sold it and became the Chief Consultant of Mitsubishi UFJ Research & Consulting. In addition to the business growth of client companies, he also leads the promotion of MUFG Group's "fintech" (financial IT services). In 2016, he founded C to D Co., Ltd. as a startup that develops fintech businesses and assumed the position of president. Utilizing his experience as a new business development consultant, he supports open innovation for companies. Graduated from Keio University Faculty of Economics.

Kotaro Zanma
NTTDATA Open Innovation Evangelist. CEO of InnoProviZation Co., Ltd. Former head of NTT DATA Corporation Open Innovation Business Emergence Office.
・Graduated from Hokkaido University in 1988 Joined NTT Data in the same year and engaged in system development.
・From 1990, engaged in business management, new business creation, and marketing support consulting at NTT DATA Institute of Management Consulting.
・Returned to NTT DATA in 1996 and engaged in the launch and dissemination of new services in the early days of internet/mobile banking, as well as the launch of new innovative services in partnership with the public and private sectors.
・Since 2014, the Open Innovation Business Emergence Office has been established with the aim of creating innovative new businesses that will become new social infrastructure. Based on the concept of creating a WIN-WIN-WIN open innovation business with venture companies x customers (large companies) x NTT DATA, a monthly forum “From the Port of Toyosu” where innovators with cutting-edge technology and business models gather, held in 15 cities around the world. Held the “Global Open Innovation Contest”.
・Furthermore, as the main vocalist of the a cappella group "Hong Kong Lucky's" in OFF, he is working hard to create new gospel music by singing the cry of the soul.

Ryusuke Komura
Venture Cafe Tokyo VCT program manager.
Graduated from Doshisha University Faculty of Economics, Babson College FW Graduate School of Business (MBA). After graduating from university, he worked at a manufacturer-affiliated IT company, mainly engaged in account sales operations in the mass media industry and a cloud service launch project related to video transmission. After studying abroad for an MBA, joined the human resource development and organizational development consulting department at GLOBIS Co., Ltd. While working on the development of next-generation managers of large companies and organizational development of startups, he also develops contents and teaching materials in the field of entrepreneurship. Then incumbent. Founding member of NPO "Binnovative" based in Boston.

Yoji Suetsugu
General Manager, Industry Business Group, Hitachi, Ltd.
As a startup member of a new business division of an electric power company, he has experience in launching dozens of companies such as telecommunications, energy, and insurance businesses. After that, he moved to a manufacturer and was in charge of new development based on AI and IOT technology in the fields of social infrastructure in Japan and the United States, such as energy, water, and industry. Consistently involved in the development of new business for companies for over 20 years.
Graduated from the Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo.

Juichi Kusaba
Future Technology Promotion Association Representative Director
Engaged in superconductivity research during university days. When he was in graduate school, he keenly felt the necessity of joint research with Stanford University, especially the need to start a business from university research and lead to innovation. Involved in the development of optical camouflage using metamaterials and the development of new phase change memory at the central research institute of a major electronics manufacturer. Since his days as a research institute, he has hosted study sessions for young people at manufacturers in order to bring about innovation from young people. In 2017, as an incorporated association, the Future Technology Promotion Association was established with the aim of "solving social issues with technology." In order to bring about innovation with the power of individuals, we are forming communities and turning them into projects.

Ryota Nakazawa
Representative of Agolize Japan (https://www.agorize.tokyo/) CEO of Globala
At RareJob Co., Ltd., he was involved in the launch of the Brazilian expansion business. After that, he established GLOBA Co., Ltd. after providing web marketing support for companies as an individual. Graduated from Kaisei High School and Hitotsubashi University Faculty of Economics. Studied abroad at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Hachiro Koyama Scholarship). Director of Japan Illini Club.

Kenji Fuyuno
Vice Chairman of NPO Japan MIT Venture Forum.
Joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) in 1985 upon privatization. Participated in the formulation of marketing and sales strategies for Captain Service in the dawn of new media. After that, along with the rise of multimedia, engaged in the launch of individual projects (net banking business, information aggregation business, etc.) while implementing and managing a wide range of investment projects in the Internet business. Promoting business creation from both aspects of business launch and support. Formulated new business strategies for solution business, SMB business, finance business, etc., and realized recession.
Since 2014, he is currently Director of Information and Communications Research Institute, Chief Researcher, and in charge of new business promotion. A member of the Japan Venture Society.
Since 2005, he has been working as a pro bono mentor at the NPO Japan MIT Enterprise Forum (currently Japan MIT Venture Forum) to support ventures and foster entrepreneurship. Since 2012, he has promoted all activities as the vice chairman. Struggling with business issues of multiple venture companies. A member of the Japan Venture Society.

Riku Shiraishi
Metaps Inc. Data Management Division Consultant
In 2015, at the age of 18, he started working in the international cooperation industry. Since 2016, he has been engaged in policy advocacy activities related to global health at the international NGO Japan Results, and has been working on planning and managing the "Gunworm disease control project" in Kenya, East Africa. Until 2019, supported the overseas expansion of Japanese companies at the Japan International Cooperation Agency. Joined Metaps Co., Ltd. in 2020. The motto is "realization of a society that does not leave behind with IT".

Takashi Iwamoto
Specially appointed professor at Keio University Graduate School of Business Administration. SDGs Innovation HUB, SIH Director
Graduated from the Department of Metal Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo. Ph.D., Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). After working at Japan Motorola Co., Ltd., Japan Lucent Technologies Co., Ltd., Nokia Japan Co., Ltd., and Dream Incubator Co., Ltd. (DI), since 2012 he has been a specially appointed professor at Keio University Graduate School of Business Administration (KBS).
Utilizing my experience in research and development of cutting-edge technologies and management of research and development organizations at foreign-affiliated global companies, DI provides management consulting that fuses "technology" and "strategy" for technology companies, as well as "technology," Pioneering new areas in the strategic consulting industry, such as industrial production through the fusion of "strategy" and "policy." At KBS, he conducts research related to the creation of new industries, specializing in "industrial production theory."
Special Advisor, Dream Incubator Co., Ltd., Senior Advisor, Linkers Co., Ltd., Advisor, ASC Co., Ltd., Keio SFC Future Innovation & Entrepreneurship Research Consortium (FINE) Researcher, General Incorporated Association ICT CONNECT 21 Director and Promotion Working Group Chairman, Education Cloud Platform Association Dissemination WG Chief, HR Technology Consortium Chairman and Representative Director, HR Technology Award Judging Committee Chairman, Japan RPA Association Honorary Member, EcoDesign 2009-2017 Executive Committee.
Part-time Lecturer, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo (October 2009-March 2010) Member, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Research Unit Evaluation Committee (Integrated Microsystems Research Center) (April 2010-2015) March), Minna no Yume AWARD 3-6 Associate Producer, Research and Innovation Society Breakthrough Study Group Secretary (December 2012-December 2016), Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business Guest Reviewer (2015-2016), General Research Advisor, Japan Institute for Promoting Invention and Innovation (June-October 2016), HR-Solution Contest Steering Committee Member (May 10, 2017-March 20, 2018) and Chief Judge.

Chikara Hayashiichi
Moitor DeloitteManagement Consultant
Tokyo Intellectual Property Management Consulting: Representative of TIPC
Engaged in management consulting at Moitor Deloitte after working at Toyota Motor Corporation (Section Manager) and LIXIL (Intellectual Property Manager)
He is a member of the research study group on intellectual property strategies that promote open innovation by large companies, etc., at the Patent Office, and has worked at the Patent Office's Intellectual Property Acceleration Program and the PwC Japan Group.

Eiken Hayashi
Born in Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture in 1972. Dropped out of the doctoral program at the University of Cambridge, UK. Involved in research at universities in Japan and overseas, including the University of Tokyo. Since 2007, while working as an editorial reporter for the Chugoku News Agency, he has also participated in the Japan-China Relations Research Institute and the China Research Institute. Since 2009, he has worked at the office of Tetsuto Iwakuni, a former member of the House of Representatives. Since 2008, he has attended the Japanese-Chinese Translation Institute.

Masahiro Kamata
General Manager of the 1st Sales Department, Government Administration Department, Public Works Department, Enterprise Business Headquarters, IBM Japan.
After graduating from university, joined Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. in the same year. Responsible for core solutions centered on ECM, BPR, knowledge management, and ERP for top Japanese companies as a solution/consulting sales force. After working at SAP Japan, OpenText, and Oracle Japan, he was in charge of promoting enterprise business as an associate partner of IBM Japan, Ltd.'s global business service business public and communication media utility service division. Currently, IBM Japan Corporation Enterprise Business Headquarters Public Sector Department Government Administration Division 1st Sales Department Manager.

Kensho Fukuoka
Professor at Hosei University School of Global Liberal Arts (GIS). Part-time lecturer at Jumonji Gakuen Women's University.
Graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate School of Social Science and Engineering, Department of Value Systems, Doctoral Program after completion of required credits. Master of Business Administration. PhD (academic). Specializes in international management strategy (cross-cultural negotiations, strategic alliances, marketing, regional brands, etc. Recently, researching Japan-Taiwan alliances, investment in Japan by foreign companies, etc.) Certified NPO Japan Negotiating Association Certified Negotiation Analyst . Member of the Japan Trade and Investment Promotion Committee (MIPRO). Lectures, moderators, panelists, etc. at seminars and workshops hosted or supported by the Association for the Promotion of Trade and Investment in Japan. A member of the Society for Intercultural Management. A member of the Japan MIT Venture Forum.
After graduating from university, NTT East (Corporate Sales Headquarters <in charge of foreign companies: mainly in charge of American and German manufacturing industries>, Corporate Planning Department <Overseas Marketing>), NTT Communications (Global Business Headquarters <London, Paris, In charge of Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Munich, Seoul, and Hong Kong>), full-time lecturer/associate professor at Jumonji Gakuen Women's University, concurrent lecturer at Shih Chien University of Technology, and visiting lecturer at Taiwan's Shih Chien University (summer program). Conducting special lectures in the EMBA program of the National Chinan University of Taiwan and the MBA programs of the National Chengchi University and Tamkang University. Many papers and books.

Makoto Baba
TOKYO BIKE TOUR project presided over. Former CEO of Specialized Japan Corporation.
Born in 1955. Graduated from the Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University. Massachusetts Institute of Technology MBA. Joined Fuji Xerox in 1979 as a staff member of the corporate planning department. 1988 Master Foods (now Mars Japan) brand manager. 1995 Director of Marketing & Communication at Louis Vuitton Japan. In 2002, Coleman Japan Director of Marketing Headquarters. 2005 Managing Director of License Division at Walt Disney (Japan) Company. 2006 Representative Director and President of Specialized Japan (an American sports bicycle manufacturer). 2014 Representative Director and President of Y International / Y's Road (Japan's largest retailer specializing in sports bicycles). Since 2016, he has presided over the TOKYO BIKE TOUR project (cycling event).

Kenji Takaoka
Representative Director / CEO of Export Japan Co., Ltd. Director of Japan Guide Co., Ltd. Chairman of PIJIN Co., Ltd.
Born in Tokushima prefecture. After graduating from Kwansei Gakuin University's Faculty of Letters, worked at a major food manufacturer, a professional boxer, and the commercial affairs department of the Royal Thai Consulate General in Osaka before entering Kobe University Graduate School (Graduate School of Business Administration) as a working adult. Established Export Japan Co., Ltd. in 2000 while still in school. (Dropped out of graduate school) As a pioneer of a web promotion company specializing in overseas markets, he has many achievements in projects to promote small and medium-sized enterprises in Higashi-Osaka to the world and in activities to introduce Japanese tourism resources to the world. Full-time employees consist of multinationals such as France, Spain, China, and Indonesia, and their customers include top companies in each industrial field, as well as local governments and government agencies. In addition, he also serves as director of japan-guide.co, a portal site for foreigners visiting and living in Japan that is viewed by more than 1.8 million people monthly. In 2012, he became the CEO of PIJIN Co., Ltd., which operates QR Translator. Currently Chairman of the Board. Book: "Textbook of overseas web marketing to expand sales channels around the world"

Masahiko Haga
Advisor of Siempre Co., Ltd., Producer of Future Access Co., Ltd., Researcher of Keio University Economic Research Institute
Based on social consensus building, engaged in corporate and executive branding, marketing, and crisis management. Specializes in healthcare, education, community, energy and community.

Yusuke Nakanishi
S.IH International Business Contest 2023 gLampri (1st place)
Award-winning project link:https://www.axelspace.com/
KKDirector, CPO/AxelGlobe Business Headquarters, Axelspace
Graduated from Hitotsubashi University, Department of Business Administration. AGC Co., Ltd.(former Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.) experienced sales and planning operations for a wide range of products from general-purpose chemicals to high-performance chemicals. As a business manager for high-performance resins, led business promotion including domestic and overseas sales and production bases, and implemented new business launches and manufacturing method conversions. After that, he led business growth and large-scale funding as a start-up COO of a bio-venture. Joined Axelspace in 2020 after working as a consultant at Boston Consulting Group. In April 2021, he was appointed Director, CPO and General Manager of AxelGlobe Business Headquarters, contributing to further business expansion in domestic and overseas markets and the launch of new businesses.

Naotsugu Kubo
S.IH International Business ConTest 2023 Digital Garden City National Award (2ndrank)
Award-winning project link:https://www.acbiode.com/plastalyst.html
AC Biode Inc. Representative Director and President
Co-founder and President of AC Biode, which develops stand-alone AC batteries/circuits, plastic depolymerization catalysts, etc. For 12 years at a trading company, he was in charge of sales and finance for machinery, plants, renewable energy, etc. for Africa and Latin America, and was stationed in Brazil on the way. After retiring, he went to study in the UK and co-founded a business in Japan and the UK with CTO Mizusawa (AC Biode was the second company to start a business), including Luxembourg. Won 25 domestic and international pitch contests, including the University of Cambridge in the UK, MIT in the US, the European Space Agency ESA, and ComeUp in South Korea. Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Cambridge University in the UK, graduated from Keio University Faculty of Environment and Information Studies. Former Amateur Boxing Feather Weight All Japan 3rd Place

久保 直嗣
SIH国際ビジネスコンテスト2024 アイディア賞(第3位)
株式会社UBeing 代表取締役社長
電気味覚(electric taste)は、口に微弱な電流を流すことで人が感じる味を作り出したり、食品の味を強く感じさせる技術です。
Creating a place for future industry-government-academia-citizen collaboration to nurture SDGs global leaders!As a goal, from the pain points of the SDGs, which are common global goals and languages, individuals and corporations in the region and the worldConnecting Industry, Government, Academia and Citizens, life and business x finance ecosystem realized by sustainability, resilience & co-elevation, so to speakCreate a “park” that everyone can participate inWe are looking for CePiC / SIH mentors as EXPARTS who can guide and support the international (pre-)hackathon. For inquiries, please contactCePiC (SIH) Secretariatfart
CePiC/SIH Mentor(International (pre-)hackathon judges)
Support related to funding, business model, etc.

Ken Shibusawa
Chairman of Commons Asset Management. Member of the National Advisory Board of the G8 Impact Investment Task Force.
Graduated from University of Texas BS Chemical Engineering. He has an MBA from the University of California, Los Angeles. Born as the fifth generation descendant of Eiichi Shibusawa, the father of Japanese capitalism. In 1969, he moved to the United States due to his father's job transfer. Joined the Japan Center for International Exchange in 1984. Joined First Boston Securities (NY). In charge of foreign bonds. Joined JP Morgan Bank (Tokyo) in 1988. Joined JP Morgan Securities (Tokyo) in 1992. In charge of government bonds. 1994 Joined Goldman Sachs Securities (Tokyo). Responsible for domestic equities and derivatives. Joined Moore Capital Management (NY) in 1996. In charge of Asian time zone trading. In 1997, the company's Tokyo representative office was established. 2001 Established Shibusawa & Company Co., Ltd. Founded Commons Asset Management Co., Ltd. in 2008.

Ryota Matsuzaki
Kibidango Co., Ltd. Representative Director/Chief Momotaro.
Graduated from Keio University Faculty of Economics. MBA from Cornell University. Joined Rakuten, Inc. in 2000 after working in the New York branch after engaging in investment banking at The Industrial Bank of Japan, Ltd. (currently Mizuho Financial Group). As an executive officer, he has been involved in many domestic and overseas group M&A projects. Established Third Gear Co., Ltd. independently in 2011. While working to nurture venture companies that create the next generation, he has made many angel investments himself. Established Goalflag Co., Ltd. in 2013 (currently Kibidango Co., Ltd.). Through “Kibidango,” a new business empowerment system that combines crowdfunding and EC, we support domestic and foreign startups that are working to continue and expand their businesses. In 2011, Outside Director of CrowdWorks Inc. In 2016, Outside Director of Synchro Food Co., Ltd. (current position). ”

Hisayo Tomikawa
Representative Director of Il Mondo Japan Co., Ltd. Director of NPO Child & Animal Charity Association. Former representative liquidator of Lehman Brothers Japan.
Moved to Karuizawa after graduating from the financial industry for about 30 years. While managing the high-brand select shop CONSTANTINA, he is also responsible for regional revitalization and outside director/advisory positions.
2008-2018 Representative Liquidator of Lehman Brothers Securities Co., Ltd. Head of Operations at Deutsche Bank and other foreign financial institutions.
Dropped out of UC Berkeley. Completed Harvard Business School online course
[Recent activities]
Karuizawa 22nd Century Climate Forum Symposium Panelists scheduled to appear (November 2021 at Ohga Hall). Nagano City Lecture on "Life Shift, Digitization".
Forbes Japan Web Lifestyle Interview Postedhttps://forbesjapan.com/articles/detail/38926
Co-participation in a research report sponsored by Nomura Research Institutehttps://www.nri.com/jp/keyword/proposal/20200501
Regional Revitalization Forum panelisthttps://sites.google.com/view/karuizawa-socialdesign-lab/%E3%83%9B%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0?authuser=0
Nomura Research Institute video distribution planning program appearancehttps://www.nri.com/jp/service/souhatsu

Atsushi Matsuda
Dibton Group CFO.
Graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo. Master of Laws, Columbia University. New York State Attorney. For 24 years, he has supported the overseas expansion of Japanese companies at financial institutions in Japan, the United States, and Europe. He is currently Head of Corporate Banking at Commerzbank.

Mami Komatsu
President of Music Securities Co., Ltd.
Graduated from Waseda University Graduate School. Completed the Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education "Global Leadership and Public Policy for the 21st Century Program". Established Music Securities Joint Stock Company in December 2000, Established Music Securities Co., Ltd. in November 2001, became a joint-stock company in May 2002 and assumed the position of Representative Director. Selected as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, known for the 2013 Davos Conference. In 2014, he became a director of the Type II Financial Instruments Firms Association.

Masao Asai
Co-founder of Capra Investment Management
Graduated from Keio University in 1990. After working as the head of the global trading team at UFJ Bank (currently MUFG Bank), he moved to London in 2003. Director of Strategic Trading at UFJ International, a local subsidiary of the bank. After merging with The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, he and his colleague Yang Hu went independent and established Capra Investment Management in 2005. The amount of customer assets under custody from sovereign wealth funds, major financial institutions, major pension funds, etc. is about 3 trillion yen, which is one of the largest in the world for bonds.

Yuki Shibahara
Representative Director of Japan Cloud Capital
Graduated from the University of California and graduated from the Meiji University Graduate School of Global Business. After that, he managed a system development and management consulting company. Founded Japan Cloud Capital with co-representative Oura with the desire to liven up the startup environment. Started a stock investment type crowdfunding service as Japan's first type-1 small-amount electronic offering handling business. Currently, he is working as a lecturer at a graduate school and working hard to improve the startup environment.

Kazuhiro Matsuda
GK SARR representative executive partner
After graduating from Keio University, worked in the underwriting department of Yamaichi Securities Co., Ltd., and was in charge of the Middle East, Africa, Eastern European countries, etc. at the company's London subsidiary. After returning to Japan, he established Hokkaido VC, the first community-based VC in Japan, through the Hokkaido New Business Council. Established Sapporo Biz Cafe in June 2000 to support IT ventures in Sapporo Valley.
In September 2000, he established the first national university-launched venture (Hokkaido University) and was involved in the listing of the first national university-launched venture (Osaka University). He has a track record of commercializing intellectual property, such as concluding milestone agreements with pharmaceutical companies.
In April 2011, SARR LLC was established in Kyoto. In 2015, the kizki accelerator was opened in the Kyoto Research Park. Involved in entrepreneurship education and planning and operation of NEDO's science and technology commercialization program, currently supporting high-tech startups such as SMBC Mirai and Animal Health Open Innovation Program. He also serves as a bridge between startups in Europe, the United States, Israel, etc. and large Japanese companies.
Japan Advisory Partner of Benhamou Global Ventures, a seed early VC in Silicon Valley, Co-Founder and Special Advisor of Soramitsu, a blockchain development company, and Director and Chief Strategy Officer at DigitalPlatformer, which provides a digital money and digital ID platform. serve.
Acquired MBA from INSEAD (European School of Management, France), completed master's course at Otaru University of Commerce Graduate School of Commerce (Master of Commerce), and completed doctoral course at Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine (Doctor of Medicine).
Many public positions, including a member of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology National Research and Development Agency Council.
Areas of Expertise: Entrepreneurial Support, Commercialization of Science and Technology, Venture Finance, Innovation Ecosystem, Open Innovation, Bio/Healthcare, Enterprise 4.0, Financial System

Tatsuya Ikeda
President of Yamato Sangyo Creation Partners. Passed the CPA 2nd test (assistant CPA).
Graduated from Hitotsubashi University, Department of Business Administration. Master of Business Administration (MBA) from New York University. 2000 Joined Goldman Sachs Tokyo Branch. In 2003, joined General Electric (GE's Japanese subsidiary). In 2007, moved to GE's US headquarters (Connecticut/New York). In 2009, GE returned to Japan. Joined Delta Capital Investments Co., Ltd. in 2011 (concurrently serving as a representative of an investee subsidiary). Founded Yamato Sangyo Creation Partners Co., Ltd. in 2013 and assumed the position of Representative Director.
He is the author of the co-translated book "The Grand Design of Financial Regulations" (Chuokeizai-sha, 2011) supervised by Professor Keiichi Omura.

Tomohisa Ito
Visiting associate professor at Shiga University Social Collaboration Research Center. Principal of Shiga University Business Innovation School. Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration, Meisei University. Director of NPO Japan MIT Venture Forum.
After completing the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies at the University of Tokyo, joined Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. as a management consultant. Engaged in management consulting such as business strategy and marketing strategy for large domestic and foreign companies in industries such as financial services, ICT / media, consumer business. In addition, he has been engaged in research, policy planning and execution support (information and communication policy, science and technology innovation policy, new industry and venture policy, etc.) for central government agencies such as the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and the Cabinet Office. In 2015, he launched the Shiga University Business Innovation School and is working on entrepreneurship education as the school principal. Meisei University School of Business Associate Professor (innovation practice theory, etc.). Part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Economics, Dokkyo University (venture company theory, etc.).

Fugo Ito
Executive Officer of Piped Bits Co., Ltd., General Manager of Business Development Headquarters.
At the age of 32, he is an executive officer of Piped Bits, the main company of Piped Holdings, which is listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Denawa Yoshito
CEO of DAN Venture Capital. Representative Director of Denawa International Certified Public Accountant Office. CPA. Outside director of Daiki Axis listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
After graduating from Keio University Faculty of Economics in 1983, joined Showa Ota Audit Corporation (currently Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC). As a certified public accountant, mainly engaged in stock listing consulting. In 1993, he established D-Brain Co., Ltd. and started a consulting business for small and medium-sized enterprises. Over 90% market share as the lead underwriter for the public offering of the Japan Securities Dealers Association's market green sheet for unlisted companies. By 2010, supported 11.2 billion yen in equity financing for 141 companies. Expanded into listing underwriting lead manager business and listed 14 companies. 60% share of lead underwriter for Sapporo Stock Exchange Ambitious and Fukuoka Stock Exchange Q-Board. In 2010, he retired as CEO of D.Brain Securities. Established Dekinawa & Company Co., Ltd. Organized the Global Management Club and the Finance Support Practical Study Group. Along with networking small and medium-sized venture companies and financial institutions. He is engaged in consulting services that demonstrate his expertise in equity finance and crowdfunding. Established DAN Venture Capital in 2015. Started the challenge of creating a new equity finance infrastructure centered on CVC funds and stock investment type crowdfunding. He has appeared on TV and radio programs such as TV Asahi's "Sunday Project", TV Tokyo's "World Business Satellite", and Fuji TV's "Mezamashi TV".
Osamu Senbo
Venture from the University of Tokyo, CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of Information Infrastructure Development Co., Ltd.
Graduated from the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo. Graduated from the Graduate School of Economics, University of Tokyo, majoring in business and market.
Specializes in corporate finance, investment, and human resource management.
At Nissay Information Technology Co., Ltd., engaged in requirements definition, design, development, testing, and maintenance of a mutual aid contract management system for consumer cooperatives.
Joined Information Infrastructure Development Co., Ltd. in July 2010. Responsible for back office management and PM of SI projects.
Shinsuke Nuriya
Director and CIO/CFO of Crowd Realty, Inc.
Graduated from Keio University Faculty of Commerce. Graduated from Columbia University Graduate School of Sustainability Management.
In March 2017, he participated in the management of Crowd Realty Co., Ltd. as a founding member. Operates “Crowd Realty,” a P2P-type real estate crowdfunding marketplace that matches individual investors’ funding needs with a wide range of domestic and overseas investment needs using the latest IT technology, including crowdfunding. Received the Grand Prix in the 2nd program of "MUFG Digital Accelerator" sponsored by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group. Prior to joining Crowd Realty, he worked in the investment banking division of Merrill Lynch Japan Securities Co., Ltd., where he was engaged in advisory services related to financing and M&A for business companies and J-REITs, as well as the Japanese subsidiary of Blackstone Group, the world's largest real estate fund. Engaged in domestic real estate investment and management operations, and executed numerous projects.

Kazumasa Oguro
Professor, Faculty of Economics, Hosei University.
Born in 1974. Graduated from the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, and completed the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University (Ph.D. in Economics).
After joining the Ministry of Finance (currently the Ministry of Finance) in 1997, he worked as a senior researcher at the Ministry of Finance's Policy Research Institute and as an associate professor at the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University.
Senior Visiting Fellow, Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Finance, Consulting Fellow, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Director of the Kashima Peace Institute. Specializes in public economics.
Author of "Deep Fiscal Crisis: Questioning Tax Increases, Pensions, and Deficit-covering Government Bonds" (NHK Publishing Shinsho, 2014)
“Even with Abenomics, the consumption tax will exceed 25%” (PHP Institute, 2013), “2020, the day Japan goes bankrupt – Recovery plan to overcome the crisis” (Nihon Keizai Shimbun Publishing, 2010).

Hirokazu Hasegawa
Waseda University Graduate School of Business Administration Professor (Entrepreneurship, Management Strategy)
Joined Nomura Research Institute in 1984. After working as a securities analyst in the automobile industry (acquired the top ranking among popular analysts) in the corporate research department, he is now a chief researcher. After that, he was seconded to JAFCO's Investment Research Department and provided management advice to major investment candidates and investees. Established Global Venture Capital Co., Ltd. in 1996 and served as president and chairman.
He specializes in developing companies at the start-up stage, and participates in the management of many venture companies, not only as an investor but also as a director and auditor. After working as a part-time lecturer at Kyoto University Graduate School and a specially appointed professor at Aoyama Gakuin University, he assumed his current position in 2012. PhD (Waseda University), Certified Public Accountant, Chartered Member of the Securities Analysts Association of Japan.

Kataoka Teppei
ibis Capital Partners Co., Ltd. Executive Officer / In charge of Venture Investment and M&A Advisory Business
After working at Mitsui & Co., Nomura Securities, Morgan Stanley Securities (currently Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities), Deutsche Securities, and Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities, he assumed his current position in 2014. At a securities company, he was involved in many deals, including structuring of various investment schemes such as venture investment, listed company investment (PIPEs), buyout and debt investment, due diligence, investment execution and exit. In his current position, he is in charge of venture investment, M&A and business tie-up advisory services in Japan and Southeast Asia. 1997 Graduated from the Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo.
Creating a place for future industry-government-academia-citizen collaboration to nurture SDGs global leaders!As a goal, from the pain points of the SDGs, which are common global goals and languages, individuals and corporations in the region and the worldConnecting Industry, Government, Academia and Citizens, life and business x finance ecosystem realized by sustainability, resilience & co-elevation, so to speakCreate a “park” that everyone can participate inWe are looking for CePiC / SIH mentors as EXPARTS who can guide and support the international (pre-)hackathon. For inquiries, please contactCePiC (SIH) Secretariatfart
CePiC/SIH Mentor(International (pre-)hackathon judges)
Support for accounting, taxation, corporate finance, etc.

Nobuhiko Hayashi
Director of Hayashi Strategic Accounting Office. Certified public accountant, tax accountant. Director of NPO Japan MIT Venture Forum. Karukozaka Partners Executive Officer.
After graduating from university, passed the second stage of the Certified Public Accountant Examination. Joined KPMG Japan (KPMG Japan). Independently established Hayashi Strategic Accounting Office and assumed the position of Director. Up to now. He is also a director of the NPO Japan MIT Venture Forum.

Mitsuru Ozaki
Representative Director of Activate Japan Consulting Co., Ltd. Representative partner of Activate Japan Tax Accountant Corporation. Listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange Livesense Outside Auditor.
Graduated from the Department of Economics, School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University.
After working at KPMG Pitmarwick Audit Corporation (currently KPMG AZSA Audit Corporation), he assumed the position of Representative Director of Activate Japan Consulting Co., Ltd. and Representative Partner of Activate Japan Tax Corporation.
Certified public accountant, tax accountant, real estate chief, AFP. Mothers ~ A track record of listing support from the founding period to listing of a company listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (currently appointed as an outside director), numerous start-up support, and our customers (about 260 corporate companies, 350 individual tax returns, total support track record of 25 years) Many achievements such as support for many outstanding companies, excellent companies, and revitalization support.

Makoto Nitta
Representative of Makoto Nitta Certified Public Accountant Office. Certified public accountant Mitakai secretary. Former Representative Partner of Shin Nihon Audit Corporation.

Akimitsu Kato
Director of Kyodo Accounting Office. Certified public accountant Hakumonkai secretary. Certified public accountant, tax accountant.
Passed the CPA 2nd exam while in college. Since then, he has worked at Arthur Young, Ernst, Arthur Andersen, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and KPMG KPMG AZSA LLC for 23 years, and has been on the IT Committee of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants for 14 years.

Saeko Arai
Professor at the Faculty of Global Business, Showa Women's University. Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member of AEON Credit Service. Outside Director of Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma. Outside director of Tokyu Fudosan Holdings. He is a member of the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) Contract Oversight Committee and Accounting Auditor Selection Committee. Representative of Accuray Co., Ltd. CPA.
The first female CFO of a Japanese company. After engaging in accounting audits and tax affairs, he co-founded an IT venture company and built accounting, general affairs, and personnel systems from scratch as the chief of the CFO administration department, and was involved in business planning, capital policy, and fundraising. , 3 years after its establishment, it was listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers. He has served as CFO, director, advisor, etc. in the hotel wedding industry, environmental energy industry, etc.
MBA from Duke University, USA. Professor at the Faculty of Global Business, Showa Women's University. Part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Business Administration, Hakuoh University. Member of the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) Contract Oversight Committee and Accounting Auditor Selection Committee. Member of Practical Corporate Governance Study Group. Member of the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN). Outside auditor of AEON Credit Service Co., Ltd. Outside Director of Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma. Outside director of Tokyu Fudosan Holdings.
Creating a place for future industry-government-academia-citizen collaboration to nurture SDGs global leaders!As a goal, from the pain points of the SDGs, which are common global goals and languages, individuals and corporations in the region and the worldConnecting Industry, Government, Academia and Citizens, life and business x finance ecosystem realized by sustainability, resilience & co-elevation, so to speakCreate a “park” that everyone can participate inWe are looking for CePiC / SIH mentors as EXPARTS who can guide and support the international (pre-)hackathon. For inquiries, please contactCePiC (SIH) Secretariatfart
projects' list 2
[Phase 2: "starting a business” SDGs Innovation HUB.stu]
Political/Economic Policy Proposal + Social Business/Economic Revitalization Demonstration
[project 1] next CDO training WS(Lecturer by Chief Digital/Data Officer of DX (Digital Transformation))
(D20 was held with CDOs from around the world on the occasion of G20 Fukuoka.CCJMoreetc)
[project 2] JC regional finance joint event(Thu./Wed. Gathering (VCT/MEGV) etc.) ideathon/
Hackathon (JC Fukuoka President Minoru Hirota's KyushuibbFukuoka Project, etc.) Collaborate with regional financial institutions, start-up facilities, and JC
[project 3] SDGs economic (scientific) problem solving/goal achievement action
Regional/real crowdfund events, etc.(CePiC linked cybozuchii kura/ MEGV board member supporting female millennial entrepreneursKanattaetc)
[project 4]XprizeSDGs prize money race(Co-sponsored by CePiC and Future Technology Promotion Association with Mr. Jun Sudo)Xprize etc.)
[project 5]Digital SDGs Finance & Decentralized Financial System HUBG20 Seminar Governance of Decentralized Financial TechnologyDisseminate to the world the efforts to realize , and the next SDGs issues to contribute to, co-creation with G20 countries, FATF, JCI, UN, etc.
<Examples of projects that achieve SDGs (JCs in each region,[Wisdom of economy, industry and science]Free composition and promotion by the committee)>