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NRI Center for Strategic Management & Innovation

Beyond Pandemic FORUM

New Coronavirus Trinity Shock Reconstruction Strategy Study Group


CePiC / SIH / SDGs NAVI / ANR / N10000C

(Senior Researcher Project, Shigeki Mitomo)

Overcoming the Corona Crisis towards a "Resilient New Normal"
-Practice of prescriptions (1)-(5) from the new coronavirus trinity shock to revival-

Opening -Practice of prescription-

NIR (Nomura Research Institute) Center for Strategic Management & Innovation, the New Coronavirus Trinity Shock Reconstruction Strategy Study Group,

Beyond Pandemic FORUM

(CePiC / SIH / SDGs NAVI / ANR / N10000C collaboration)

Volunteers who have been active both inside and outside of Japan gather at NRI every week to discuss and discuss.

Urgent proposal of prescriptions (1) to (5) in May-July 2020.

(Urgent proposal for measures against new coronavirus- prescription (1) , prescription (2) , prescription (3) , prescription (4) , prescription (5) )


This time, for the revitalization and co-creation of each field, the discussion on the practice of prescriptions held in October-November was held at the G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting in Kyushu and Fukuoka. Youth Council Kyushu District Kagoshima Block Council 2019 Chairman and MC of SDGs NAVI "Gama Brother Nii" and Chief Researcher of NRI Nomura Research Institute Future Creation Center ( CePiC Mentor Co-Representative / Director / SIH Director / ANR Director / N10000C It will be delivered by Shigeki Otomo ( Director, etc. ).


FORUM I: Reconstruction of financial and capital markets

We will delve into the actual state of risk management of the Lehman Crisis and the Corona Crisis based on the experiences and knowledge of the speakers, such as the collapse of the Lehman Brothers and the truth after that, and discuss from a medium- to long-term perspective that spans the domestic, foreign, public and private sectors, and how to finance the Corona Crisis. We are approaching whether to change it to an opportunity for reconstruction such as the capital market.


FURUM II: Restructuring of corporate and management strategy

Regarding the ideal way of companies and management in the world and Japan affected by the corona crisis, national support measures, the possibility of digitization and startups, companies and management strategies, the power and growth support of SMEs and individual businesses taking on new challenges We will delve into the ideal way based on the experience and knowledge of the speakers, discuss from a medium- to long-term perspective that spans the domestic, foreign, public and private sectors, and derive points for restructuring corporate and management strategies.


FORUM III: Potential that DX of small and medium-sized enterprises brings

From the definition of DX (digital transformation), the essence of DX (vertical to horizontal) and the ideal way of DX of small and medium-sized enterprises, to whether DX of local and small and medium-sized enterprises will accelerate in response to the corona crisis, to the experience and knowledge of the speakers We will delve into the basics, discuss from a medium- to long-term perspective that spans the domestic, foreign, and public-private sectors, and approach the potential of DX for new growth in the wake of the Corona crisis.


FORUM IV: Construction of bottom-up type "learning and working"

On the stage about the current state of "learning and working styles" in the wake of the Corona crisis, the merits of DX (digital transformation) in the field, and the possibility of work, including disaster prevention for disasters including Corona and the perspective of BCP (Business Continuity Plan) We will delve into the experience and knowledge of people, discuss from a medium- to long-term perspective that spans the domestic, foreign, and public-private sectors, and build a bottom-up "learning and working style" for the new growth of individuals and corporations.


FORUM V: Reconstruction of healthy socio-economic system

SDGs, social prescription, social common capital, town planning, medical disparity, telemedicine due to the strategic nature of DX (digital transformation) for medical infrastructure, human resources, and finance regarding the digital & real healthy socio-economic system linked to advanced medical research centers Based on the experiences and knowledge of the speakers, we will delve into the discussions from a medium- to long-term perspective that spans the domestic, foreign, public and private sectors, and rebuild the digital and real healthy socio-economic system.


FORUM VI: Flow of resilient "people, things, money" by DX

About disaster risk finance including corona, "business resilience" and resilient DX network, common infrastructure that supports local / small and medium-sized enterprises and NPOs, supports individuals / corporations of data (information) owners during disasters / normal times, and has beneficial information "accumulation" We will discuss the concrete form of the mechanism and build a new common foundation that supports the co-creation of a new autonomous decentralized supply chain and the flow of "people, goods, and money" during disasters and normal times.


FORUM VII: Co-creation of new trinity growth model

Hirofumi Uzawa on the internal and external / public-private co-creation of the "new trinity integrated growth model" that brings new value to the lives, economies, and societies of individuals by improving the digital capabilities of the people, creating a healthy society aimed at SDGs, and realizing a new economic cycle. Based on "Social Common Capital", Eiichi Shibusawa "Theory and Arithmetic", and the digital power to personalize overseas SDGs, we draw the future of Japan pioneered by young DX (digital & demographic change) and the strength of the elderly. At the same time, I will draw the future of SDGs points, SDGs local business indicators and individual / corporate "accumulation" information x finance x business that can be done for each person.


(Reference link)

NRI Financial IT Focus 2020 March Issue "The Future of Young Entrepreneurs and New Finance Co-Creating with Innovation from the SDGs "

Thanks to you, not only the analysis and prescription of this corona sickness, but also the actual feelings, intuitions, and direct words based on the experiences of everyone who took the stage are organized in a concrete and easy-to-understand manner. I was able to make a wonderful outgoing video. Thank you very much.


Furthermore, I would like to continue to disseminate content that is more directly linked to practice until my friend returns from NRI to MOF six months later, such as the 8th, 9th, and so on. Thank you for your continued guidance and support. I will.

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