Common Earth Park international Community
Everyone's Earth Park
international community
Liaison Council
SDGs Innovation Hub
L d x P
Local dx Producers Federation at DigifieldCT
Regional DX Producer
Liaison Council
(within Digita supporters)
Neighborhood Common to achieve SDGs
From Earth Minnano Chikyu Park Community,
Permanent support for innovation challengers,
Industry, Government, Academia, Citizens, and Financial Ecosystem Hub
With regional DX producers in the world and regions,
Dejida's Local Hub to Local, Nationwide and Worldwide
with " EXPERTS " (industry-government-academia-private financial experts, SDGs Innovation mentors),
at " EVENTS " (cyber & real co-creation place such as international hackathon and HUB)
(^ _-)-★ Find friends who can share your dreams and visions locally, nationwide, and around the world. ☆ 彡
(^ _-)-★ Become an emergent member of the future and discover your own strengths and possibilities. ☆ 彡
(^ _-)-★ Let's co-create a new financial / market ecosystem and HUB with industry, government, academia and the private sector. ☆ 彡
The essence of SDGs is to make the present and future of all of us human beings, regions and the world sustainable.
Our innovation is the main body / activity of the SDGs, and it is the transformation of the region and the world.
- Thu, 22 Aug広島市22 Aug 2024, 13:00 – 24 Aug 2024, 17:00広島市, 日本、〒730-0051 広島県広島市中区大手町1丁目2−1次世代「地域DXプロデューサーLdxP」が世界とつなぐ ~ 森と海のオンリーワン資(遺)産をつないで価値産む資本に ~ 会場:広島(広島・福山)-岡山(白石島・北木島)-香川(高松) Next generation‘Local DX Producer, LdxP’connects with the world ~ Connecting local unique resources/heritage into value-generating capital ~ Venue:Hirosima-Fukuyama-Okayama-(Shireishi,Kitagi)Island-Kagawa
- Sat, 29 Jun川崎市29 Jun 2024, 13:00 – 24 Nov 2024, 17:00川崎市, 日本、〒215-0012 神奈川県川崎市麻生区東百合丘3丁目4−11979年にドイツのミュンヘン市で始まり、田園調布学園大学で20年余開催している「こどものまち」仕事体験イベント【参加申込】、【リアルxメタバーズ】謎解きツアー出展、共創子ども会議、世界こども地域合衆国サミット等が川崎市制100周年事業として採択され、リアルとメタバースが融合した次の100年を担う”子どもたちによるまちづくり”のサポーター企業・団体【募集】をご案内します。皆様のご参加お待ちしております。 ◤ こどものまちX地域共創プロジェクト◢ 日程:2024年 7~11月 場所:田園調布学園大学内ほか7区公園・商店街等リアルXメタバース ◤こども地域合衆国ファンド◢ 〆切(一次6/28)随時
- Sun, 12 May港区12 May 2024, 09:30 – 17:00港区, 日本、〒108-0014 東京都港区芝5丁目36−4 9階◤SIH国際ビジネスコンテスト2024 参加者募集◢ ・申込フォーム記入と5分動画提出 【4/30㈫一次〆切<5/7㈫二次〆切>】 ・5/12㈰:予選Ⅰ(AP(日本)予選) 【8/20㈫一次〆切<8/24㈯二次〆切>】 ・9/1㈰:予選Ⅱ(国際予選) ・賞金:優勝100万円、2位30万円、3位10万円 ・特典:①国連JICビジコン参加等のチャンス ②行政自治体や大使館、国際機関等との実証実験や販路拡大のマッチング ③150名超の有力メンターによるアイディア・ビジネス伴走支援 ◤東西地域DX事業 for EXPO2025 参加説明会◢ ・5/12㈰午前に東西2大事業の説明と参加者・チームを募集
- Wed, 08 Mayzoom開催・アーカイブ視聴08 May 2024, 15:00 – 17:00zoom開催・アーカイブ視聴世界をリードする企業・団体が策定している「パーパス」。その第一人者として多くの企業の経営をサポートされている、名和高司 一橋大学大学院客員教授が、企業だけでなく産官学民の諸団体の基軸となるパーパス経営と新SDGsについて基調講演。 地域DXプロデューサーをSIH国際ビジコンMVPとして、若き企業人・地域人から発掘・応援、地域の人材・知財・資本を共創する、デジ田応援団 岡田大士郎 専務理事がキーノートスピーチ。 SDGs Innovation HUB, SIH/CePiCメンターアンバサダーと企業人・地域人がパーパス経営と新SDGsで地域で知財を産み続けるDX人材となる鍵について鼎談します。
- Sun, 14 May羽田HICとzoomウエビナーのハイブリッドイベントl14 May 2023, 12:20 – 21:25羽田HICとzoomウエビナーのハイブリッドイベントl~パネルイベント「地域DXプロデューサー~SDGs Innovationを地域から世界へ」 ~SIH Int'l Business Contest 2023 アジア太平洋予選
- Thu, 15 JulMinato-ku15 Jul 2021, 17:00Minato-ku, Japan, 1-17-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001Public Relations Based on the role PR (Public Relations) originally plays in public policy making, including elections in democracy and capitalism. We will discuss the public x creation and policy formation of a sustainable digital society for the next 10,000 years based on the wisdom of 10,000 years of Jomon history in Japan. “PR support: A PR group that leads the millennial generation” Mr. Taira Togashi, Representative Director of All Nippon Renovation, Mr. Mitsuru Kakizaki, Deputy Representative of #Yokohama STARTUP, promoting bottom-up policy formation and political DX, TENGA Marketing Manager Ms. Fumi Nishino will be on stage!
- Tue, 13 JulZoom venue event (application (free))13 Jul 2021, 17:00 – 18:30 GMT+9Zoom venue event (application (free))SDGs activities are questioned. There are only 10 years left until the target deadline of 2030, but it is impossible for us humans to carry out all the "SDGs goals" in 10 years. This event is Beyond SDGs! Let's imagine and think about the future society 10,000 years from now! This is an event plan. No one knows what society will look like 10,000 years from now. However, by looking back 10,000 years ago, I think you can feel the meaning of this "universe time".
- Sat, 19 JunZoom Meeting ID: 945 7508 8077 Passcode: 14253319 Jun 2021, 19:00 – 21:00Zoom Meeting ID: 945 7508 8077 Passcode: 142533About "Astronomy in the Age of SDGs", we will listen to a lecture by ♣Dr. Teachers and young people ♦Entrepreneur/company employee, ♠Civil servant, ♥Artist/citizen exchanged ideas, participants could contribute to the next 10,000 years Co-creation and adoption of the “Astronomy in the Age of SDGs” public x creation (house) declaration to create the public of SDGs from Industry♣Science♥Art♠Government. We will deepen the value and evaluation axis for each event, and bring to fruition the results of the next 10,000-year project such as the Prize Laboratory Forum.
- Tue, 18 MayOnline event (free ticket/link sent with participation application)18 May 2021, 19:00 – 21:00Online event (free ticket/link sent with participation application)After working at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Tama University, he became a professor at the Faculty of Political Science and Economics at Meiji University. Mr. Masayuki Okuyama, who leads the seminar (regional industry research), gave a keynote speech on key points such as past efforts, the latest research, and the status of co-creation in seminars. In the second half, together with panelists who have been in charge of the public sector from the government, industry, science, and art, participants will discuss what they would like to contribute if they were civil servants, company employees, scientists, or artists, and what they would like to contribute, such as their own design. Co-created and adopted the Declaration of Public Creation (House). We will deepen the value and evaluation axis for each event and bring it to fruition in international forums and prizes.
- Thu, 13 MayMinato-ku[May 13, 2021] Government Climate Change Policy and Our “Decarbonization” Public Creator Declaration13 May 2021, 20:00 – 21:00Minato-ku, Japan, 15th Floor, Toranomon Hills Business Tower, 1-17-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001Mr. Hideki Takada, Chief Counselor of the Cabinet Secretariat's Climate Change Policy Promotion Office and Secretary General of Green Finance Network Japan, gave an urgent lecture in the first half on climate change measures, which are attracting attention at climate summits and other events. We will hear about the latest situation, the policies of governments, local governments and industry, and the dissemination of Art & Science about the "decarbonization" strategy for industry, government, academia, and citizens in Japan and around the world. In the second half, together with panelists who have been responsible for the public sector from the government, industry, science, and art, participants will make a "decarbonization" public creator declaration, such as what they would like to contribute if they were civil servants, company employees, scientists, or artists. co-created and adopted. We will deepen the value and evaluation axis for each event and bring it to fruition in international forums.
- Sat, 03 AprForeign Correspondents' Association of Japan03 Apr 2021, 15:00 – 17:00 GMT+9Foreign Correspondents' Association of Japan, Japan, 〒100-0005 3-2-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Double Bridge Building 5th and 6th floors[SIH Spring Social gathering / Business matching] Achieving SDGs and solving social issues through business and finance Meeting place for elite human resources and intellectual property who will lead the next generation ■ Date: April 3, 4, 11, 2021 17 or 18th (under adjustment) 15: 00-18: 00 ■ Venue: Foreign Correspondents' Association of Japan (FCCJ) (Function Room) 3-2-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Double Bridge Building 5th Floor ■ Application: 2021 1 By the 25th of April, email anr1 @ sih.world (charge: Aoki / Togashi) ■ Membership fee: 5,000 yen (free drink)
- Sat, 30 Janzoom kushiro-workcation-forum.peatix.com30 Jan 2021, 13:00 – 17:00zoom kushiro-workcation-forum.peatix.com, Kushiro City, Hokkaido, JapanDate and time: Saturday, January 30, 2021 13: 30-15: 30 (held online) Organizer: Japan Worcation Association Co-sponsor: Kushiro City Application: https://kushiro-workcation-forum.peatix. com /
- Sat, 28 NovTamagawa28 Nov 2020, 15:00 GMT+9 – 29 Nov 2020, 15:00 GMT+9Tamagawa, Japan, Tamagawa, Chino City, Nagano Prefecture 391-0011[10,000-year-old capital of humankind, Jomon capital, Yatsugatake / Suwa area] The Industrial Revolution that the SDGs want to return is at most 150-200 years ago, Kyoto / Nara is the capital of 1,000 years, and the world's four major civilizations are 4-5,000. Years ago, in the Jomon period long ago, the boundary between the largest land and the largest sea on the earth, the node of four plates like a temple tower, the Itoigawa-Shizuoka, where the East and West Japanese archipelago was born. In the middle of the structural line, the Yatsugatake / Suwa area, which rises higher than Mt. Fuji 200,000 years ago, was the 10,000-year capital of Jomon, where the peaceful and prosperous Taoyuan Township continued. The evergreen fir tree "Onbashira", a symbol of the immortal cycle. In a lab where you can feel the land physically and mentally, you will co-create the pillars of each person of the year, the pillars of your family and company, the pillars of Japan, and the pillars of the earth.
- Sun, 22 NovJST Science Agora 202022 Nov 2020, 13:00 – 13:40 GMT+9JST Science Agora 2020When considering Life in the New Normal of With / after Corona as industry, government, academia, citizens, men and women of all ages, the life that human beings are currently fighting against Corona is life, but the life of the life of Goal 3 of the global medium- to long-term goal SDGs is healthy. Life and welfare (living) becomes sustainable only when there is work (working, learning). For sustainable life and work that pleases the five senses, we conducted industry-academia workshops and industry-government-academia-private collaborations nationwide and at venues from September to November. We will hold a creative symposium.
- Fri, 20 NovMake the location undecided20 Nov 2020, 18:00 GMT+9Make the location undecidedInternational PBL (Project Based Learning) is the most effective way to connect the fundamental awareness and new creativity that arises from tackling universal themes from the perspectives of diverse cultures to innovation for solving SDGs issues. We will create the future of international PBL through chats with viewers and dialogues using Q & A with panelists who continue to co-create with industry, academia, government and the private sector under the theme of "Life" of the earth and humankind. If you are a teacher of elementary, junior high, high school, or a person in charge of new business / human resources development of a company, please join us!
- Wed, 04 NovChiyoda Ward04 Nov 2020, 09:00 – 06 Nov 2020, 18:00Chiyoda Ward, Japan, 1-6-5 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005On the occasion of the G20 Fukuoka Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting in June 2019, the Junior Chamber International Japan and the Junior Chamber International have a connection. A commemorative symposium was held. In November 2020, we will hold the International Hackathon 2020 "Connect with SDGs / Create Business x Finance with Hackathon ~ Create innovation with local and global colleagues and become an SDGs HUB ~", and SDGs Innovation HUB projects will be in full swing. Start!
- Sun, 27 AugChiyoda Ward27 Aug 2017, 09:00 – 18:00Chiyoda Ward, Japan, 2-1-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005 Meiji Yasuda Seimei Building Low-rise Building 1FOn August 27, 2017, the 4th CePiC event, “Give Dreams a Shape: Idea Pitch Contest to Realize Youth Dreams” was held during the summer vacation at the newly opened Startup Hub Tokyo on the 1st floor of Tokyo Founding Station. At the end of the meeting, under the leadership of Mr. Akifumi Uemura (Representative Director), who is a mentor co-representative, Mr. Satoshi Ono's wide network of industry, government, academia, and citizens and Mr. Shigeki Otomo's network of public and private sectors were fused. People (currently about 150 people) gathered in one place, and until now, we have received a great deal of support both publicly and privately as judges and mentors for ideas, business pitches, and hackathons that make dreams come true for young people, men and women of all ages. .
- Sun, 15 MarSendai city15 Mar 2015, 09:00 – 16:00Sendai city, Japan, 3-3-7 Kokubuncho, Aoba Ward, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture 980-0803Members hosted a panel forum titled "Japan's resilience to disasters - Approaching the world, its secrets and challenges -" at the 3rd United Nations Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai in 2015. From the summit (official magazine), the 2019 G20 Fukuoka → Osaka Summit (official magazine), to the leaders of the world, we will introduce the strong and flexible lives, lives, and lives of those who visit all virtual / real parks (parks). CePiC was born with the declaration that we will make it a place to live and its sustainable development, national resilience, national wealth, national treasury, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)!