Common Earth Park international Community
Everyone's Earth Park
international community
Liaison Council
SDGs Innovation Hub

L d x P
Local dx Producers Federation at DigifieldCT
Regional DX Producer
Liaison Council
(within Digita supporters)
Neighborhood Common to achieve SDGs
From Earth Minnano Chikyu Park Community,
Permanent support for innovation challengers,
Industry, Government, Academia, Citizens, and Financial Ecosystem Hub
With regional DX producers in the world and regions,
Dejida's Local Hub to Local, Nationwide and Worldwide
with " EXPERTS " (industry-government-academia-private financial experts, SDGs Innovation mentors),
at " EVENTS " (cyber & real co-creation place such as international hackathon and HUB)
(^ _-)-★ Find friends who can share your dreams and visions locally, nationwide, and around the world. ☆ 彡
(^ _-)-★ Become an emergent member of the future and discover your own strengths and possibilities. ☆ 彡
(^ _-)-★ Let's co-create a new financial / market ecosystem and HUB with industry, government, academia and the private sector. ☆ 彡
The essence of SDGs is to make the present and future of all of us human beings, regions and the world sustainable.
Our innovation is the main body / activity of the SDGs, and it is the transformation of the region and the world.
- Wed, 08 Mayzoom開催・アーカイブ視聴
- Tue, 13 JulZoom venue event (application (free))
- Sat, 19 JunZoom Meeting ID: 945 7508 8077 Passcode: 142533
- Tue, 18 MayOnline event (free ticket/link sent with participation application)
- Sat, 03 AprForeign Correspondents' Association of Japan
- Sat, 30 Janzoom kushiro-workcation-forum.peatix.com
- Sun, 22 NovJST Science Agora 2020